Monday, April 2, 2012

Last meeting for today before tomorrow's presentation day.

Things left to do:

1)Reset button for game

2)Every time level reset, foot also resets it position

3)Condition whereby player touches the feet and dies.

4)Hidden tiles with the egg pieces( the art piece 32X32)

5)Score Calculator

6)Spider movement region(adjustment of where it moves), condition whereby touches the player and minus 1 life.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

9th Meeting for today.

1)Syafiq add the vine designs to the instruction page. Will elaborate further.

2)Fitree redo the backgrounds, follow the instructions in the darklight fyp post. Start Menu background, the boy looking at the castle.

3)Music all finalized already, Stage 1,2 and 3. Death screen. Start Menu and button click sound.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

8th Meeting for today.

1)Finishing up on art for backgrounds and Interface Menu.

2)Scoreboard programming.

3)1st Level redesigned.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

7th Meeting for today.

1)Art - Finished up the backgrounds for the game. Remember to do 2 extra objects. Cloud and Thorn. For the 3rd background, add the floor and the house from your previous background. Fitree.

Do 3 ingame objects. The coin, bag of coins and the golden egg(split into 3 parts). For the coin, use the jack image, make it small and paste it onto the golden coin. If you can try to animate it and make it a spinning golden coin with jack's symbol on it. Syafiq.

Lastly the interface menu. Refer to the image in the Design dropbox folder. Roughly follow the scroll design, then add vines around the top and bottom of the scroll holder.

2)Coding wise, Yc finish up the leg moving down on the player. Scoreboard programming.

Monday, March 26, 2012

6th Meeting for today.

1)Ideation on how Start Menu, instructions, scoreboard,credits and death screen.
(Instructions,scoreboard,credits standard BACKGROUND, Scroll format with vines, will elaborate further to the artists tomorrow.)

2)Score Calculator(JJ try to code)

3)Syafiq, design some more ingame objects will golden coin and bag of golden coins, will elaborate further tomorrow.

4)Yc, Coding on the giant's boot crushing down the levels from the top slowly, colliding with it causes instant death to the player.

5)Jon, make sure ideas are kept consistent, art style is standardized, everything is to be in order and at least ready by wednesday so we have enough time for polish till friday.

Friday, March 23, 2012

5th meeting for the day

1)Coding for disappearing cloud platforms, moving cloud platforms [Done by JJ and YC]. As for the hidden tiles for the pieces of golden egg, time based crumbling platforms will be done by tonight.

enemy AI such as the spider and butterfly is done. For the spider, animate the legs to make it seem that it goes up and down [Done] . For the butterfly, animate the flapping of its wings [Done].

Our game will be playable by monday.

Needs to be done:

- A background that for game over [for this please consult Jon as I think his idea is good , will discuss further on monday]

- Most importantly , instructions page for our game

- for syafiq, do an animation sprite of the character dies.

the rest , take a rest first.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

4th Meeting for today.

1)Coding for disappearing cloud platforms, moving cloud platforms, hidden tiles for the pieces of golden egg, time based crumbling platforms to be done.

2)Level design has been done and discussed with. Level will be split into 3 different rooms to represent different sections of the beanstalk, top, middle and bottom. Bottom level will be the ending point of the game. Last level was inspired by a game called Beanstalk Bandits, decided to integrate a part of the level design into our own game.

Game user interface has been designed. Considerations within the design itself, what are we going to put in there. Decide what score system are we going to use. Controls for the game itself confirmed, 4 arrows keys and spacebar.

3)Interface for game needs to be designed. I have roughly done a rough sketch of what the interface can look like. Design ingame objects like the golden coins, a bag of golden coins and 3 different pieces of a golden egg.

Touchup on background done, animation for crumbling platforms, enemy AI such as the spider and butterfly needs to be done. For the spider, animate the legs to make it seem that it goes up and down. For the butterfly, animate the flapping of its wings.