Tuesday, March 27, 2012

7th Meeting for today.

1)Art - Finished up the backgrounds for the game. Remember to do 2 extra objects. Cloud and Thorn. For the 3rd background, add the floor and the house from your previous background. Fitree.

Do 3 ingame objects. The coin, bag of coins and the golden egg(split into 3 parts). For the coin, use the jack image, make it small and paste it onto the golden coin. If you can try to animate it and make it a spinning golden coin with jack's symbol on it. Syafiq.

Lastly the interface menu. Refer to the image in the Design dropbox folder. Roughly follow the scroll design, then add vines around the top and bottom of the scroll holder.

2)Coding wise, Yc finish up the leg moving down on the player. Scoreboard programming.

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